On this episode I talked with Tara about what made her realize she wanted to be a performer, the first show she saw that really inspired her, becoming a well rounded performer, what lead to her deciding to go to the Universit...
On this episode I talked with Daniel about where his passion for theatre stemmed from, how he became a triple threat performer, how studying at Rockford College benefited him going forward in the industry, getting the part of...
On this episode I talked with Hannah about how she really got into theatre and discovered her love for theatre, why regional theatre though often under appreciated is so special, the moment she realized that she had the talen...
(Note: this episode is in TWO PARTS). On this episode I talked with Chelsea about when she knew that she wanted to be a performer, being part of a theatre loving family, her family trip to NYC on which she show 11 SHOWS IN 10...
(Note: this episode is in TWO PARTS). On this episode I talked with Chelsea about when she knew that she wanted to be a performer, being part of a theatre loving family, her family trip to NYC on which she show 11 SHOWS IN 10...
On this episode I talked with Stella and Arwen about their start with theatre, their audition process for Frozen, how they’re similar to Anna, their favorite thing about touring, what school is like on tour, their favorite Fr...
On this episode I talked with Caelan about her experience seeing her first theatre show, how she balanced her major in musical theatre and minor in communications in college, her dance experience, her audition process for The...